Transfer of Membership to another branch

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Transfer of Membership to another branch

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Can a member transfer from one Association/Branch to another? Is it best for the member to register with future branch instead of renewing with his current one?
There is no mechanism for transferring a registered membership between two associations mid year. 

One suggestion is that the member joins the future branch now and gives them their existing address.  They will then continue to receive BBKA news at their current address. Once they physically move, advise the new branch of their new address.
In order to keep in touch with the current branch until they move, they could also join them for the next year as a non beekeeping ‘Friend / associate’ for which most local groups charge between £2 & £5.  This would keep them in touch with the local group in the intervening time.
The alternative is to do it the other way around – renew in full with their current branch and as associate with the future branch – and then switch over next year. 


Finally if they have taken any BBKA exams, their leaving Branch exam secretary needs to tell Nicky Camp Lee, the BBKA exam sec, and their exam record will be transferred over to their new branch eR2 record.

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