Year-end Renewal process sequence of events

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Year-end Renewal process sequence of events

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You may start the Online renewal as soon as the Autumn Return has been completed at Association level.

A good trigger point is just after the branch AGM. It doesn’t matter when you start the renewal process provided that it is before the 1st January.

A good time would be mid November to avoid the Christmas panic.

Reminders can be sent out as often as you like and they will only be sent to members who have not renewed.


The sequence of events are:-

  1. Set new year end date in SETTINGS – CUSTOM FIELDS
  2. If membership fees have changed then go to “SETTINGS – CUSTOM FIELDS – On-line Renewal Items” and change the amounts appropriately/li>
  3. Check that the Treasurer’s details are correct
  4. Further down the page make sure that the wording contained in the “Receipt PDF” box and the “Email box”  is still appropriate.
  5. If you have created any personalised emails to accompany the renewal process, make sure they are still appropriate.
  6. Change any Lapsed members status to Archived if you know they will never renew.
  7. From UTILITIES – RENEWAL PROCESSING click on the Blue button Set all “Active members” to “Awaiting Renewal”
  8. The relevant Renewal email template can be selected from a drop-down list at this point in the procedure.
  9. From UTILITIES – RENEWAL PROCESSING click on the Green button Send out renewal invitation by email (to all “Awaiting Renewal” members)
  10. When renewal notifications are received, open the member’s record and view their form by clicking on “Online renewal request (click for detail)” in the history on the right hand side of the screen.

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