Lapsed, Archived or Deceased members

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Lapsed, Archived or Deceased members

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Lapsed members ‐ members that have not paid at renewal, but might re‐join again. There has to be a cut off (whether this be the capitation deadline or some other internal Association / Branch deadline) where despite
reminders the member has not renewed ‐ in which case they would be lapsed.
This then stops BDI and BBKA benefits of insurance and BBKA news. They can still be selected for mailing ‐ for instance as a reminder that your
membership benefits have ceased, but they would be welcomed back.
Archived members ‐ members who have definitely left ‐ and there is no reason to communicate with them again ‐ in fact the mailing does not allow this. This could be a person who has advised that they have moved away or given up beekeeping.
Deceased members ‐ the same in our terms as Archived ‐ but we found that associations preferred a separate category.

Deceased members will stay on the membership records for years to come, perhaps as many as 5 – it hasn’t been decided yet on how often the membership list will get purged.  They will stay within the system for about 40 years, in case there should ever be an insurance claim.

If you look at ADMINISTRATION – DASHBOARD STATISTICS their change of status will be reflected in the membership counts.

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