Creating new member

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Creating new member

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From the main screen select “Members” . At the foot of the screen is a Green button “Create new member“.

Complete the next screen with as much information as possible. However, you may now create a new member with just a minimum amount of information. All that is needed is their First name, email address and post code.

If the member has PAID their subscription, mark their record as “Awaiting renewal” and save it.

Re-open the record and there will be a Green button marked “Manual Renewal”  Click on this and you will be able to enter their payments.

If the member HAS NOT PAID their subscription, make their status “New – has applied for membership” and their Approval stage as “Pending

Save the record, re-open it and there will be a orange button at the foot of the screen marked “Send online application email”.

The prospective member will then be able to complete the rest of the information themselves.

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